Lymphedema Products LLC

Juzo Dream Dynamic


Juzo Dream Dynamic by Juzo
Juzo Dream Dynamic stockings feature a durable, breathable knit and an inconspicuous appearance. Juzo Dream Dynamic can be used for a wide range of applications and is available in a large assortment of sizes, styles, and colors.

Please Note: Colors other than Beige may delay shipment 3-10 business days.
Available Colors
This product has 21 reviews.
20-30 mmHg Compression
Knee-High Stockings - pair
Compression: 20-30 mmHg
Item Number: 3511DS-AD
Product Options: NOT Available in Full-Foot with Petite Length
Knee-High Stockings w/Silicone Border - pair
Compression: 20-30 mmHg
Item Number: 3511DS-ADS
Product Options: Max Size NOT Available in Petite Length
30-40 mmHg Compression
Knee-High Stockings - pair
Compression: 30-40 mmHg
Item Number: 3512DS-AD
Product Options: NOT Available in Full-Foot with Petite Length
Knee-High Stockings w/Silicone Border - pair
Compression: 30-40 mmHg
Item Number: 3512DS-ADS
Product Options: Max Size NOT Available in Petite Length
 Love this product. Would want to know if order another set if I could get each sock a different color for I only use it on one leg. 
- Amy Funk
 I have been wearing the Juzo opened toed stockings with silicone top for 3 years. I love the ease of getting them on with the waxed paper applier. With proper care and rotating they really last a long time. I also use a leg comrpession machine one hour before bed at night and between the two keeps the swelling down and from returning. 
- Karen Cottrill
 Finally, more than $600 later, I found a product that fits (thanks to their sizing), and works to keep my lymphedema in check. 
- Sharon Avery
 They are so comfortable 
- Stephanie Lagasse
 The max (wide calf) style is the only style that fits me, so Juzo Dream Dynamic is the only brand I wear now. I love the colors -- it looks like I am wearing tights under my skirts. The opaque fabric is attractive and long-wearing. 
- Ms. Carla Tomino
 Having different colors to wear makes it easier for me to accept that I will be wearing these the rest of my life. 
- Carol D Cyr Cyr
 This is exactly what my lymphedema therapist wanted me to have and I love getting it in my favorite color, purple. Fits well, washes and dries well. 
- Donna Conway
 open toe knee highs are tight around toes,,,,too tight 
- Diane Dillenbeck
 Great compression 
- Etoy Morgan
 Have a hard time getting on but once i do they are fine. Doesn't feel like you have them on. Love them being thin. You can wear leggings without people knowing your wearing compression stockings. I also love having colors that i love to choose from. Wearing something pretty makes me feel better about myself. 
- Lisa Larrabee
 The only knee hi compression stockings that fit perfectly and don't pinch. I get the silicone band so they last the six months and stay up. They wash up great and fit perfectly for the whole six months. Come in fun colors too. 
- Kathryn Mceaneney
 I have a large size calf. The max IV fit perfectly. The silicone band is comfortable, doesn't pinch the skin and keeps the stockings up all day. My legs feel great now. Colors are fun too. 
- Kathryn Mceaneney
 Very good product for the price! 
- Dr Kenneth K Kienow P.e.
 Washed well, but we've only had them for a week. 
- Lisa Cummings
 I have never been able to buy compression hose with having them made special. I have lymphedema and I love these knee highs. I could choose length, circumference and amount of compression I need. They are fairly easy to put on and they are very comfortable and soft. 
- Melba A Powell
 Excellent and prompt service! 
- Patricia A Taylor
 Fit exactly as described, easy to put on, great looking 
- William F Pickles
 very high quality. I have worn other brands, get holes in very easy, don't last. 
- Ms Rebecca Charette
 These compression knee highs are a staple in my wardrobe now. They control the swelling in my lower legs very well (as long as they are worn faithfully). I also love the array of available colors as I can coordinate them with my other pieces of clothing. They are very durable and easily laundered as well. 
- Barbara L L Schuler
 Always a favorite 
- Edith Robbins
 This style had become my favorite for both fit and comfort. Excellent customer service, providing an excellent product. Thumbs up all around! 
- Edith M Robbins
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