Lymphedema Products LLC

Jobst Activa Anti-Embolism

BSN Jobst

Jobst Activa Anti-Embolism by BSN Jobst
Also known as Thrombo Embolic Deterrent Stockings, these Activa Anti-Embolism stockings help prevent venous stasis and embolism formation by applying graduated compression to the leg. They are ideal for the recumbent (non-ambulatory) patient while lying in bed. They are Indicated for pre- and post-operative procedures and mild varicosities without significant edema. They feature a silicone stay-up top and are available with closed "balloon" toe or an open toe.

PLEASE NOTE: This item is non-returnable unless unopened or defective.
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18 mmHg Compression
Thigh-High Stockings (Closed Toe)
Compression: 18 mmHg
Thigh-High Stockings (Open Toe)
Compression: 18 mmHg
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