Lymphedema Products LLC

Juzo Adhesive Lotion


Juzo Adhesive Lotion by Juzo
Juzo, an industry leader in compression garment manufacturing, developed this adhesive lotion to secure compression garment materials (stockings, sleeves, etc.) without irritation to the skin. When properly applied, adhesive lotion will secure garments for a full day without re-application. One 2-ounce bottle will last many months of normal usage and is an economical solution when garment slippage is a problem.
This product has 37 reviews.
Individual Pieces
2oz Bottle 
2oz Bottle - case (12 pieces)
 Have only used a few times so far but it does seem to do the job. 
- Alice C George
 Easy to use. Works very well. A little bit on the sticky side but other than that it works fine. 
- Allison Brookings
 Helped tremendously in keeping the compression garment in place. No skin irritation. Easily washes off. 
- Carol A Barb
 This adhesive lotion is excellent 
- Betty H Whitlock
 I really like this product. It really works well. 
- Betty H Whitlock
 This adhesive keeps the sleeve in place even when it gets more worn. I really like it. 
- Betty H Whitlock
 Juzo Adhesive really works. I had a problem keeping my support garments up where they belong but now when I put them on in the morning with this product they stay up all day long. Please keep this product on your website, thanks. 
- Carol A Colt
 This product is excellent! I was having trouble with my thigh high compression garments staying up and this fixed the problem. 
- Mrs Kim Walley
 Works great!! Life saver. 
- Pauline Frost
 I love this glue best stuff ever only thing I would recommend is it needs to be a bigger bottle seeing that I have to wear my sock every day and it goes fast 
- Melissa Garman
 This stuff is amazing it's the only thing that will work 
- Melissa Garman
 My wife use's the Juzo for her compression sleeve and she says it is the only thing that really works and she is always telling people that they have to try it because it really works 
- George F Thomas
 I purchased hoping it would work to keep the ankle bottom of my Juzo leggings from rolling up. It did! I had 2 pair that I could no longer wear because they'd roll up and cut the circulation, causing swelling. I was disappointed, as they were soft, comfortable, and in near new condition. I just rolled the leggings up a little, applied to my ankle, and quickly rolled the hose down. Held all day, no rolling, no swelling. Did not irritate my skin, and washed off easily. Saved me money not having to replace 2 pairs of hose! 
- Mrs Gloria M Ahaszuk
 It held my sleeve in place all day! Did not hurt too much to remove from my skin. 
- Janet R Waters
 It washes right out of your sleeve 
- Mrs Janet M. Galasso
 The product really works good ....My sleeve stays up all day.... 
- Janet M. Galasso
 This stuff really works for my b bicycling arm and leg warmers. I was skeptical but it truly works. Good product 
- Jim B Braley Braley
 Holds my sleeve up all day! 
- Katrina Stebbins
 It really helps keep the compression hose up! I've also used it on a slipping bra strap! 
- Mrs. Karen R Brown
 This product really works. My sleeve stays up all day and makes the garment more effective. The adhesive washes off well with water. 
- Marie Fragodt
 works as advertised 
- Morgan Butcher
 Love the glue. it really holds up my stockings 
- Mrs Patricia Furano
 Great product 
- Ms Sharleen Robinson
 Works great and holds up all day 
- Richard Kelly
 I have purchased this product twice now and it holds all day so good to use when your sleeve starts to wear and needs silicone to keep it in place. 
- Rosemary Myers
 My hip high compression sock would not stay up otherwise. Also I experimented putting some on my heel to keep my nylon footies in place. They no longer slip off my heel. Awesome! 
- Renee Silverthorn
 I have been using this product for a long time. Very good product. 
- Susan P Belitz
 Very good product!!! 
- Susan P Belitz
 I have been using this product for close to 8 years. Very good product. 
- Susan P Belitz
 It really holds up my thigh high garments all day! 
- Susan P Belitz
 This stuff works great - I was so happy when I discovered it. I wear a compression garment on my leg and it doesn't stay up without the adhesive. 
- Sharyn E Yeakel
 Works perfectly to keep my compression stocking in place. 
- Sharyn E Young
 This really works to keep my thigh high stockings in place, even during exercise! 
- Mrs Karen A Denger
 A small amount helps keep my sleeve in place 
- Sylvia M Addis
 A small amount helps keep my sleeve in place 
- Sylvia M Addis
 Works great to keep compression sleeve where it belongs. 
- Sharon Gingras
 Seems to dry a bit faster than the competition. Good application instructions. 
- Robert A Harris Jr
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