Lymphedema Products strives to be your comprehensive one-stop shop for all things lymphedema. That's why we offer a broad selection of medical compression and medical-grade garments for both men and women, in a wide range of styles, from numerous trusted manufacturers.
Another popular item is the Lymphedema Alert bracelet. Like other medical alert bracelets, it serves to notify medical professionals of your specific condition in the event of an emergency that may have rendered you unconscious or unable to speak. Made of non-allergenic stainless steel, and featuring a link chain and secure clasp, these bracelets can be emblazoned with an engraved medic alert symbol, followed by specific instructions, such as "Lymphedema - No BP or Needles in Left/Right Arm." Or customize the message to pertain to both arms, if appropriate. Emergency responders are trained to notice these sorts of alert bracelets, which can supply crucial initial information about a patient's existing condition(s).
Finally, we offer a Manual Bandage Roller, from Lohmann and Rauscher, for ease of re-rolling used bandages. Customers express great satisfaction with this product, noting that it helps save significant time, and minimizes strain on the fingers–a bonus for people who also suffer from arthritis. As one customer noted, "Only those who had to roll bandages manually will appreciate this item...I would recommend it to anyone."