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Accept and Embrace Your Compression Sleeves

In Compression Therapy, Tips & Guides by Admin5 Comments

For many breast cancer survivors, the sudden occurrence of lymphedema is an unexpected — and decidedly unwelcome. Having endured the fear, pain, and trauma of therapies designed to help them survive their dreaded disease, it’s no wonder many women view the development of lymphedema as an insult to injury. Lymphedema is a chronic, incurable condition in which certain parts of …

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Lymphedema’s Impact Extends Beyond Breast Cancer Patients

In Science & Education, Tips & Guides by AdminLeave a Comment

Lymphedema is frequently associated with women following successful treatments for breast cancer. Breast cancer often requires the removal or irradiation of lymph nodes in the armpits or chest, which can trigger the lymphatic dysfunction that results in chronic lymphedema. This common depiction, though, does not fully encapsulate the lymphedema community.   Men Are Susceptible Too  Lymphedema is by no means exclusive …

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Tips for Supporting a Loved One with Lymphedema

In Tips & Guides by Admin9 Comments

Lymphedema is an unwelcome diagnosis that can present more than a few challenges. Few people are prepared for the harsh realities of life with lymphedema. Although symptoms typically vary widely from patient to patient, the fact remains that lymphedema is not a temporary condition. Lymphedema must be managed to reduce its impact on a patient’s daily life and to help …

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Lymphedema Pain Management

In Health & Fitness, Tips & Guides by Admin24 Comments

For many lymphedema sufferers, their condition is more of a nuisance than a crisis. While certainly not welcome, some patients find that lymphedema is a condition that can be managed, at least. For example, lymphedema of the arms, which may affect the upper arm(s), lower arm(s), and/or hands, is not uncommon among women who have undergone treatments for breast cancer. …

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Managing Lymphedema Symptoms in the Winter

In Tips & Guides by AdminLeave a Comment

Managing Lymphedema Symptoms in Winter For many of us, winter means cold, dark days. Obstacles like snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can make life hard, especially for those with lymphedema. So, what are the best ways to handle your lymphedema symptoms in the winter? The good news is, while winter may pose some unique challenges, it also eliminates others that …

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Best Summer Compression Garments to Keep You Cool in Warmer Weather

In Compression Therapy, Tips & Guides by Admin15 Comments

Best Summer Compression Garments to Keep You Cool in Warmer Weather As you know, managing your lymphedema is a full-time job. There’s no summer vacation for lymphedema sufferers. You don’t get a break and have the option of skipping the daily use of compression wear. Nor can you afford to stop being hyper-vigilant about avoiding new physical insults to the …

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Managing Lymphedema in the Summer

In Tips & Guides by Admin19 Comments

Managing Lymphedema in the Summer Summer poses special challenges for managing lymphedema. Summer heat and humidity can make it difficult to wear appropriate medical-grade compression wear comfortably, for instance. No one likes to sweat. Tight compression garments can seem especially bothersome if they trap heat and leave your skin damp and clammy. And lymphedema patients face other seasonal challenges as …

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How to Celebrate Grandparents Day

In Tips & Guides by AdminLeave a Comment

Fireworks for the Fourth. Presents, carols, greenery and goodies at Christmas. Spooks, goblins and more sugary treats for Halloween. Champagne at midnight on New Year’s Eve. All of these are familiar traditions associated with fun, widely celebrated holidays. But what about Grandparents Day? What is it? And how does one celebrate it?

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Caring For Your Skin With Lymphedema

In Science & Education, Tips & Guides by Admin13 Comments

Most patients affected by lymphedema eventually discover that the skin in affected areas undergoes certain changes compared to skin covering other parts of the body. Lymphedema is characterized by an inappropriate buildup of lymph in the spaces between cells, which leads to swelling, discomfort and other problems in the affected localized area.