As the name implies, venous insufficiency is a condition characterized by veins that do not work as well as they should. Of course, the job of veins is to return oxygen- and nutrient-depleted blood from the body’s organs and tissues back to the heart and lungs, for immediate re-oxygenation and recirculation.
Lymphedema & Accupuncture: What Do the Experts Say?
To many Westerners, the very notion of acupuncture for relief from serious medical conditions is laughable. But the ancient Eastern art has many proponents, who claim the practice offers some benefits that are not easily explained by conventional medicine. Lymphedema is a chronic condition, and people diagnosed with lymphedema deserve to have all potential treatments investigated objectively.
Lymphedema 101
Lymphedema is a chronic condition characterized by swelling and/or discomfort in affected areas of the body. Under ordinary circumstances, the clear fluid that bathes the spaces between the body’s cells (interstitial, or extracellular fluid) drains into local lymphatic vessels, where it is recirculated toward the heart and into the general circulation. This fluid is called lymph when it circulates through the lymphatic vessels.
Tips & Strategies for Managing Lymphedema
Lymphedema is a condition that has no real cure. The goal, then, is to manage and minimize symptoms, and to discourage the progression of the disease. Most people with lymphedema will have received at least some instruction in how to properly deal with their condition.
How Do Lymphedema Wraps Work?
Lymphedema is a chronic condition that occurs as a result of a localized lymphatic drainage problem. Such problems may arise in various parts of the body, due to damage from any number of possible causes. Surgery or radiation for cancer treatment is a frequent cause of this damage. A significant percentage of women who undergo surgery and/or radiation therapy for the treatment of breast cancer will experience lymphedema
Can You Benefit from Compression Therapy?
While compression therapy is well-known as a useful treatment practice for Lymphedema and a number of other medical conditions, there are benefits to its use for many people without medical diagnoses. This is especially true if you participate in activities that can cause stress to your joints and connective tissue, or that cause circulation and blood flow problems. Some of these activities might surprise you
Lymphedema Education 101
Lymphedema is a condition that develops when lymphatic fluid fails to drain properly through the body’s network of lymphatic vessels, accumulating instead in various tissues, such as the arms or legs. Common sites of lymph fluid buildup include the lower legs, ankles and feet. But lymphedema can occur in any part of the body where fluid circulation has been compromised due to radiation, surgery, trauma, or some other cause.
The Science of Compression Garments
Lymphedema Many injuries are treated with RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. RICE helps reduce inflammation and swelling. Some of these solutions are obvious. But compression warrants a closer look. Compression works by helping the circulatory system do its job. The circulatory system consists of veins, which carry oxygen-poor blood from the body’s tissues to the heart and lungs